The latest news from Meantime IT
All Meantime newsBuilding the Meantime mPire
In our June issue we told you about our work towards the ISO 27001 and IS0 9000 standards, whereby we will gain accreditation for both our high standards around security and our well-established processes for delivering on time and on budget.

We wouldn’t be able to provide the level of service we do without our mPire software. This started life as a very simple tool for tracking client contact data, then as our business grew it did too, progressing into a project management system and then an interface for our clients to log in to and request changes or raise queries. These days, every request we receive, large or small, is logged on mPire along with our time and cost estimates for the job. As we work, we book our time against these work requests so that when the job is done Steve can assess and refine our estimating process. What’s more, mPire tracks the use of all our resources, from human through to virtual, as the software reports on the status of our cloud based servers in real time.
What this has given us is a data-rich system allowing us not only to manage what we do but also to plan for the future, while learning the lessons from the past. What company wouldn’t want and need that?
The mPire software is key to us obtaining our ISO 27001 accreditation for data management and security along with finalising our ISO9000 accreditation. For ISO9000, we can demonstrate a repeatable process for our core work. For the data management, it has helped us to identify what potential risks we have. We have, of course, extended mPire now to fully track our ISO 27001 progress, from meeting minutes to vulnerabilities, risks, mitigations and controls.
Why are we telling you all this? You may have realised by now that our news aims to inform rather than act as a mouthpiece for our own achievements; we’re as turned off by ‘me me me’ news as you are. Well, we’re telling you because we want you to know that we’re not all talk. We put our money where our mouth is. We keep our house in order. We use far too many clichés. But, most of all, we wouldn’t be where we are now without ensuring our own standards will stand up to scrutiny and, ultimately, it’s our clients that benefit.
It’s all part of our commitment to deliver on time, on budget and to specification. It’s all part of the service.
Because everything we build is bespoke, you might not see exactly what you need. If that’s the case please get in touch. We'd be happy to discuss how we can help you to take the first step to cutting costs and growing beyond all expectations.