The latest news from Meantime IT
All Meantime newsMeantime is code for job satisfaction
The solution to a problem isn’t found by us all talking the same language, it’s in making ourselves understood.

We’re looking for someone who wants to add to the office conversation, someone whose personality can make the difference in solving a problem for our many and varied clients by fitting into, and working with, the rest of the team. Our clients want software which understands the many unique issues their business faces. We want people who can be as individual as they are. That means you’ll be as comfortable chatting about what the best film is (Wrath of Khan, obviously) as you are while contributing your perfectly commented code to Meantime’s script library. If you are experienced then you’re the sort of person who can see what a brief requires and plot a course towards making that happen. If you are inexperienced then you have the drive to learn.
And you’re the sort of person who won’t stop there.
Chances are you’ll have thought of ways to go above and beyond too, because that’s what makes Meantime a really exciting developer of bespoke business solutions. By putting the person first our point of difference becomes clear. Everyone at Meantime remembers what it was like to start out with this passion for coding. We fully acknowledge the help given us along the way and look to pass that along to you.
We’d like you to be a part of that difference.
Please contact us using the contact form or call the office on 01539 73 77 66
Because everything we build is bespoke, you might not see exactly what you need. If that’s the case please get in touch. We'd be happy to discuss how we can help you to take the first step to cutting costs and growing beyond all expectations.