The latest news from Meantime IT
All Meantime newsMore Trusts trust AMaT
There’s a moment whilst experiencing something new when you finally and truly 'get it'. It’s when everything clicks into place and you wonder why you haven’t always done it this way, or why you didn’t think of it first.

This was the benchmark for AMaT too. Our innovative audit management system needed to be adopted by every person in an NHS Trust - from experienced admin staff to nurses on the go. Ease of use was paramount.
That’s why AMaT's design is driven by an experienced healthcare auditor and its updates driven by users. We want that ‘I just get it’ moment and, judging by reactions at recent exhibitions, that’s exactly what we’ve achieved.
Feedback at the latest run of exhibitions has been revealing. The chance for a hands-on experience of AMaT has (without fail) delivered the reaction we hoped for. These reactions ranged from “I can’t believe no-one has done this before” to “It does everything I need”. Whenever attendees requested a particular functionality, our response so far has been been "yes, it does that".
And that’s before we even talk about pricing.
Delegates expected AMaT to be priced high. Its multi-Trust approach and intuitive UX feels like something Google or Apple might produce but the truth is that Meantime just put into practice the very best in software design no matter who, or how big the client might be.
Because everything we build is bespoke, you might not see exactly what you need. If that’s the case please get in touch. We'd be happy to discuss how we can help you to take the first step to cutting costs and growing beyond all expectations.